Curriculum Focus

Each year at Lisburne we identify focus areas of the curriculum.  This year in English, we are focussing on further developing our mark-making skills and writing skills supported by a range of tools. In Maths we are looking at problem solving using real life opportunities and in Physical Development we are focussing on engaging pupils in regular physical activity which raises the heart rate for a minimum of fifteen minutes a day. .  Below is a video explaining how each of our focuses have been broken down for Summer Term. If you have any questions regarding our three main focusses for this term then please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher on Tapestry or Class Dojo.

Please click here to view a video to find out more

Let's talk

Let's talk

Contact us

Lisburne School

The Fairway, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5GP

Samantha Benson | Headteacher

0161 483 5045

About us

Lisburne School is a Primary aged special school over three sites that caters for children with; Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Complex needs.