Intervention Programmes
Talking Maths
- This targets speaking and listening skills that are crucial to developing children’s thinking strategies when solving mathematical problems.
- It supports children (including those for whom English is an additional language) to learn how to use mathematical vocabulary and terminology.
- It supports children who may show some mathematical competence but who would benefit from developing their use and understanding of mathematical language in the context of mathematics.
- Develops children’s abilities to reason, generalise, predict and recognise patterns and relationships.
SERI (Stockport Early Reading Intervention)
- SERI is an individual reading intervention programme consisting of a 20 minute reading / writing lesson four times a week for approximately 10 weeks.
- Prior to commencing the programme, a detailed assessment of the child’s reading and writing takes place. This ensures individualised learning is tailored to each child’s needs.
- The SERI programme is highly effective, with children increasing their reading age in a short period of time and significantly increasing phonic and writing skills.
Sign and Shine
- A reading scheme built on repetitive sight reading strategies
- Initially taught with Makaton to support sight recognition
- Blocks of 12 words are taught at a time
- Words are taught individually, then as part of a sentence, then within a reading book
- Once the Sign and Shine scheme is completed, children will be able to decipher 80% of all written text
Motor skills United
This is an Occupational Therapy programme designed to develop children’s motor and perceptual skills which impacts on their learning and handwriting.
It supports children’s development in the following areas:
- Hand/eye co-ordination proprioception
- Kinaesthesia and body awareness
- Eye tracking bi-lateral integration and crossing the mid-line
- Core stability and balance
- Spatial awareness
- Rhythm, auditory/visual awareness sequencing
Fine Motor Skills
- Activities used to strengthen the small muscles of the hands, involving materials and tools that provide resistance.
- Clay, therapy putty, Silly putty, play-doh, bread dough, modelling foam
- Interlocking construction toys
- Water play with spray bottles, water guns, squirt toys, sponges
- Clothespin games
- Hole puncher
- Bubble Pack
- Squeeze toys and materials
- Dress up dolls: requires a surprising amount of hand strength and endurance
Sensory Circuits
- A short sensory motor skills programme that helps to ensure children are school ready.
- Children participate for 10-15 minutes each session
- Activities are designed to improve brain processing efficiency and regulate mood
- Built up of 3 sections – alert / organise / calm