Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE)

Learning about ourselves and how we can become independent, within the world around us.

The PSHE curriculum intent is to provide the children with a range of self-help, in the community and social and interaction skills which help equip them for life beyond Lisburne.


PSHE will be delivered and interwoven into every aspect of school life. You will see practical sessions, sharing circles, life skills and wellbeing assemblies that support the versatility and connections created through learning. 

We have created a pupil voice scale that ranges from stage 1 using body language and gestures, up to stage 4 with verbal feedback; to ensure that every child at Lisburne is able have their voice heard, and is able to share their thoughts, ideas and preferences. The scales use range of different strategies and methods of communication, including AAC for our pre-verbal communicators. All information on pupil voice and how best to support the children with this, is shared with parents and carers and all outside agencies that are involved in working with the children. Each classroom has a display indicating the children’s level of pupil voice to ensure that everyone working in the classroom is able to support them appropriately. 


Our curriculum is organised into three strands, Social and Interaction, In the Community and Self-Help and Independence, which are broken down into the yearly overview. This sets out the progress for children from year 1 – 6 who work at different levels, foundation, developing, assured (NC KS1) and contextualized (NC KS2). Teachers will be able to refer to the child’s individual learning journey to see the content that the children have covered previously, and the progress that they made within this. 


Each child follows their own learning journey informed by the needs analysis, this sets out prior knowledge, skills developed and next steps. The needs analysis is a bespoke document created by a multi-agency team of professionals including Teachers, SALT, OT and Physios in order to identify skills and gaps in knowledge that our children may have, and may need in order to develop the whole child. 

As our curriculum is so personalised and bespoke to the individual needs of the children, there is no numerical data that is collected and recorded. All formative and summative assessment is based on teacher observation and is recorded into each child’s learning journey, and will start with them in year 1, travelling up with them through the school until they reach year 6. 

Staff development: 

As we aim to have PSHE at the heart of curriculum you will see PSHE delivered in a variety of different ways. There will be structured sessions, and skills developed at snack time, during personal care, and outdoor play. To best support this we aim to have all classroom staff, teachers and teaching assistants feeling confident in the PSHE curriculum, and how to support the children by using the needs analysis to find areas of need and create targets for the children. 

Our PSHE curriculum is split into three areas.

  1. Self Help- The children develop a range of self-help skills throughout their Lisburne Journey. These include; washing their hands and face, teeth brushing, getting dressed, toileting, feeding, kitchen & organisational skills.
  2. Social and interaction- Through the PSHE curriculum, the children develop an understanding of themselves, their friends and family and the wider community.
  3. In the community- Life skills sessions act as an integral part of our children’s learning beyond the classroom. From accessing parks, shops, cafes to using public transport.

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       Please click the icon for more information on our PCRE and SMSC

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For more information about our  curriculum, please click on the link below.

Let's talk

Let's talk

Contact us

Lisburne School

The Fairway, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5GP

Samantha Benson | Headteacher

0161 483 5045

About us

Lisburne School is a Primary aged special school that caters for children with; Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Complex needs.