Family Liasion Co-Ordinators

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Our Family Liaison Co-ordinators (FLCs) provide support and information to all our families, along with assistance at home for communication, behaviour and parenting strategies. They support the transition process for new children and families as they become part of Lisburne School, and for Years 5 and 6, as these children prepare to continue their journey in education elsewhere.

They also provide opportunities for the siblings of our pupils via an After School Club and Sibling Days in the school holidays.

Parents/carers may contact the FLCs through school at any time if they feel there is a problem related to issues such as attendance, the provision of free school meals or clothing grants, etc.

Please click on the link below to find out more information.

Let's talk

Let's talk

Contact us

Lisburne School

The Fairway, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5GP

Samantha Benson | Headteacher

0161 483 5045

About us

Lisburne School is a Primary aged special school that caters for children with; Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Complex needs.