
Children at Lisburne School use the internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. In school, we make sure our children are aware of some of the risks to safety that are online and what to do to stay safe. We have a set of SMART rules and Top Tips which the children are taught to follow at school and at home to make sure they stay safe online. These rules can be viewed below and should be followed when using all kinds of technology ~ computers, laptops, mobile phones, games consoles and tablets.


We are committed to improving E-Safety not only in school but at home as well.  We hold E-Safety training evenings for staff, parents, carers and governors.

Our School Council have E-Safety on the agenda at their meetings. They design information posters of rules for E-Safety.

E-Safety-poster-1.png Esafety-poster-2g-300x207(1).png

Below are some websites and guides that you can use at home to support your child’s learning about E-Safety.


NSPCC  – information for parents on how to keep children safe on line.

NSPCC – How to set Parental Controls (Broadband etc)

instagram-logo-150x150.jpeg Instagram – A Parents’ Guide
snapchat-logo-150x150.jpeg Snapchat – A Parents’ Guide

Think U Know – Containing internet safety advice for children aged from 5 to 16, along with parents and teachers, this site is produced by CEOP (the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). Recent Think U Know updates can be read here


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Contact us

Lisburne School

The Fairway, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5GP

Samantha Benson | Headteacher

0161 483 5045 admin@lisburneschool.stockport.sch.uk

About us

Lisburne School is a Primary aged special school that caters for children with; Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Complex needs.