
Maths – preparing us for the puzzle of life.

The Maths Curriculum intent is to equip our children with the confidence to apply knowledge and skills to a broad range of real-life experiences; leading to greater resilience and independence 

In maths we have developed our curriculum to be tailor made to fit the children’s needs across the 5 pathways in school. We facilitate the children’s learning through using our unique planning tools which cover, pre national and national curriculum. This is further broken down into the steps of progression which supports planning and assessing small steps of progress. These measurable objectives allow children to achieve the aim and support the vision. We block our topics into number, geometry and measure; to ensure time to embed knowledge and full coverage across the curriculum which are taught on a 2 week cycle. Formative assessment is used to guide the next steps of the children and have a clear picture of what the children have achieved. We build on prior knowledge to give children a creative, dynamic and engaging curriculum where we focus on independence and problem solving for the future. 

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We aim to build resilient and persistent learners working in 1:1, small and large groups and TEACCH practices. All classes support the “I WE YOU” approach to model and scaffold the learning of the variety of needs for our children. The use of objects of reference, symbols, Makaton sign language, sensory resources and maths apparatus make the maths an engaging, memorable and meaningful lesson to give fundamental skills for the future.  We adapt the environment to contextualize the learning and allow for risk free experimentation where children apply their learning in cooking, forest school, life skills, PE and the further world around them. These cross curricular links support our children to understand how maths can be applied in different settings.

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We encourage practical learning including sensory experiences, attention autism and messy maths to make the session suited to the individual. We inspire communication throughout all our maths lessons to aid the children to be present in each session giving opinions and pupil voice. Teaching maths skills throughout their learning journey at school so they develop confidence to apply these skills independently in real life.

Useful Maths Websites:


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Contact us

Lisburne School

The Fairway, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5GP

Samantha Benson | Headteacher

0161 483 5045

About us

Lisburne School is a Primary aged special school that caters for children with; Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Complex needs.